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When will I know the outcome of my application?

All applications will be reviewed within one month of the closing date. The Secretary will notify you of the outcome by email. The recipient's details will be published on the Institute's website.
The Council reserves the right not to award the Scholarship in any year if, in it's opinion, none of
the applications received demonstrates the required outcomes.

What happens after the Scholarship?

The scholarship recipient will need to:
• Supply their written report to the Secretary within eight weeks of completing their scholarship.
• Prepare and present a 20 minute presentation that summarises their report to the Council. This presentation will generally be in Wellington.
• Undertake to share their findings to other parties, including sponsors, and to present their findings at conference or seminar.

What do I need to apply?

• Complete the prescribed application form
• Ensure you have an application endorsement form completed
• Letter of support from any course director or manager, or from places and institutions
you will be visiting.
• A travel itinerary
• A comprehensive breakdown of estimated costs
• A current CV
• Course prospectus (if applicable)

How much is the Scholarship worth?

The Scholarship has a budget of up to $10,000. You need to ensure that the total budget for study, research and travel is within this limit. Only one scholarship is offered in any year.
The scholarship does not cover costs associated with the recipient's absence from work or any other costs or expenses that may accrue as a result of undertaking the scholarship. Recipients will need to make their own leave arrangements prior to undertaking the scholarship.

Am I eligible to apply for the Scholarship?

All members of brigades and fire forces affiliated to the UFBA, financial and Life Members are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. Members must be able to demonstrate the ability to contribute to the advancement of  knowledge and practice of those working in fire and
emergency, and which reflects service to the community, excellence in practice and personnel commitment.
A prescribed stand down period of two years applies to past recipients before they are eligible to reapply for the Scholarship again.

How can I apply?

You are able to apply in the period during which applications will be received. In order to enhance the success of your application it is important that you research your intended topic well. In your application you will need to demonstrate how you will advance the knowledge and practice of those working in the fire and emergency sector.

What happens with the recipient's report?

• A copy of the report will be available on the NZFBI website and be available for download.
• The recipient will be provided with a written response to their research findings and recommendations.

For more information:

Please contact the Secretary:

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